Tuesday, 28/08/2018 14:47

DDN: Ngày 05/09/2018, ngày giao dịch đầu tiên của cổ phiếu ĐKGD bổ sung

HNX Notice: First trading date of additional shares (DDN) on UPCoM
HNX announces the first trading date of additional shares (DDN) on UPCoM as follows:

  • Issuer: Danang Pharmaceutical Medical Equipment JSC
  • Stock code: DDN
  • Securities type: common stock
  • Par value: VND10,000/share
  • Total volume of additional shares registered for trading on UPCoM: 1,318,766  shares
  • Total par value of additional shares registered for trading on UPCoM: VND 13,187,660,000
  • Total volume registered for trading on UPCoM after additional registration: 10,112,662 shares
  • Total par value registered for trading on UPCoM after additional registration: VND 101,126,620,000
  • First trading date: 05/09/2018


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